A beautiful, healthy, happy person is waiting to break out of whatever shell is holding you back. There’s nothing more rewarding to me than hearing a program attendee say, “It was like you were speaking to me personally. I’m glad I came; I needed to hear what you had to say today.”
Sally Scobey
Come Out of Your Shell!
SALLY’S SIGNATURE PROGRAMS: Through personal experience and grounded in science, she shows us that healthy, energetic bodies, anti-aging strategies and peace of mind can truly be yours.
Sally almost gave up on herself before she altered her negative thinking, dropped the weight, and reached her goal of 30 pounds just days before her 59th birthday. The methods, both physical and mental, she finally mustered to reach a major goal are processes she wants to share so that others can experience the same exhilaration by making changes they never thought possible. Sally has spoken to crowds in the hundreds, and groups as small as a dozen. It doesn’t matter: she loves sharing information to help navigate around life’s roadblocks.
So many people say they don’t have any get-up-and-go anymore. Let’s fix that. Sally has the latest in ways to increase your energy, start feeling great again and even prolong your life, a life you want to live! One or two-hour courses that teach the science-backed strategies for increasing longevity, boosting energy, and rekindling the feeling that your get-up-and-go is back, full-force!
Learn all the latest science behind why we need to drop those bad habits for our health’s sake. Do you think you might be addicted to sugar, or perhaps fat? Do you know the 25+ reasons to remove sugar from your diet? Sally explains exactly what happens in our brains and bodies that can lead to low mental acuity, inflammation, leaky gut, and what to do about it all. A most enlightening program.
Do you. have a dream of finally being published, seeing your name in print or cyberspace? Or writing your memoir for your grandchildren? Some people wait most of their lives to pursue their dream of writing. Sally has created day-long seminars on the art of writing for Dun & Bradstreet and has freelance written articles for USA Today, The Chicago Tribune, and The Milwaukee Journal, among other publications. She published an inspirational book and created video and audiobooks for CareerTrack. No matter what form of writing you would like to pursue, Sally teaches how to prime the pump when ideas are running dry, vanquish writer’s block, boost creativity, correct common grammar mistakes, and more.
THE OVERCOMING OBSTACLES COURSE™ Finally understanding the hold-back you’re experiencing to your ultimate destination and happiness.
Sally Scobey is on a mission to bring messages of hope and transformation. She is fiercely committed to inspiring others to shed feelings that life has passed them by and make their often-buried dreams happen at last. One of Sally’s great joys is sharing guidance from personal experience. Resignation to current circumstances is not a life sentence. Change is, indeed, possible.
You’ve heard of the term obstacle course, barriers put in the way of runners or vehicles they must deftly move around, through or over. This is the “Overcoming Obstacles Course™”… a course in one session or keynote that enables you to deftly move around life’s high hurdles.
Sally was into her fifties before she got it right. In a keynote just waiting for your group, Sally talks about human belief systems and old thinking that holds us back. She teaches your audience how she broke through forty years of negative thought patterns to reinvent herself. Sally uses scientific discoveries from Einstein to the modern theoretical physicists to share this message of hope: you can drop what isn’t working and discover what does.
WEIGHTLESS AT LAST™ Finally Dropping the Pounds at 40, 50 or Beyond
Sally was a weight loss junkie, trying practically every new diet that came out, unsuccessfully. After forty years and constant fluctuation in her weight, Sally discovered the problem was not with the diets but with her own perspective. It wasn’t until she crossed the half-century mark that she figured out how to lose the weight, for good. She wants to share that knowledge now, with everyone, so they don’t have to go through the years of weight trauma she did.
Sally says, “You can have the body you want and the forward-focused outlook to match that new look, even as you head toward the second half of your life. You’ll feel sassy, ready to take on the world like you might have felt when you were younger. Only now, you’re so much better, because you also have the experience and maturity you didn’t have a decade or two, or three– ago. You’ll want to ‘go for it’ and be adventuresome like never before.”
If you are looking for a proven, exceptional method, Sally is ready to guide the overly-weighted, or overly- burdened, release the pounds and negative thoughts that have held them down mentally and physically. After 40 years of experience with nearly every diet ever released, Sally realized there is no one-size-fits-all approach to healthy eating. She teaches her proven techniques that worked for her so you can tailor-make her program for your own needs. Sally gave herself a bouncy new winning perspective on life in the process and wants you to have that wonderful feeling too.
Invite Sally to speak at your next meeting. She has a keynote address to help you lose those impossible pounds once and for all. She wants you to believe in yourself, perhaps for the first time, and know deep within that it’s not too late. Feel almost ageless, timeless for the second half of your life.
After a successful career as TV news reporter, then international seminar presenter, Sally settled down to raise a family and join the ranks of the minivan moms. The pounds piled on. Years later, when her family was grown, she set about reinventing herself, following her own weight loss plan. She discovered approaches that work better for women who have the wisdom of additional years. These dedicated women may have lived life fully for business or family and now it’s their turn to light up the room!
People are singing Sally’s praises for showing the way to a thinner, healthier and more exhilarating life:
Sally’s tips emphasize the value of making lifestyle changes for your health rather than a trying a quick fix diet. I appreciate the research she has done so I can understand the “why” of making these changes. My recent lipid profile showed my triglycerides have dropped to 90 and my good HDL cholesterol is at 79 (without statin drugs!). Her suggestions help you to listen to what your body is telling you to find what works best for you.
Amy P., Florida
The Weightless at Last™ program is something I have been searching for throughout my life. This is a plan that makes sense, explains the details that make it easy to understand and leaves me with a great sense of hope.
Janine D., Michigan
SALLY’S EXTENSIVE SPEAKING BACKGROUND: Sally has spent more than three decades in careers that would hone her skills in order to bring you the leading edge perspectives you need. After writing success as a TV journalist and freelance writer, Sally created programs for two seminar companies: Dun & Bradstreet (New York) and CareerTrack (Boulder). Two of her programs were selected for audio and video book series. Now she focuses that experience on her passion: HEALTHY EATING AND CONTENTED LIVING.
Sally traveled nine years presenting communications programs teaching thousands in public seminars, in corporations from IBM to Mitsubishi, and in agencies including the EPA and Federal Bureau of Prisons. She has also been a communications/writing consultant for General Motors and the Michigan Department of the Treasury. Sally also has nearly 100 articles published in newsletters, newspapers and magazines from USA Today to The Chicago Tribune. No wonder she has been asked to share her perspectives in all 50 states and abroad.
Sally would like to create a program for your business or special interest group.
Call 616-745-2426 or email: sally@transformandnourish.com.
“Captivating, Riveting, Superb.” Words used to describe Sally’s presentations.
“The standard of professionalism you have shown, along with your commitment and dedication is rarely seen. Your teaching style demonstrated your knowledge of the subject with a sensitivity which you project to the students by challenging them and encouraging them to do their best.”
Odo Jordan Lowe, Program Manager, IBM
“I feel that your personable and detailed approach was by far the most effective and the best value for my time and money.”
Michael Moritz, Regional Vice President, Dun & Bradstreet
“Sally’s experience and her knowledge coupled with her enthusiasm and humor have made her a favorite trainer here.”
Rosanne Dreher, Training Coordinator, Texaco