This was a challenging day being away from home, but I prepared all my meals in advance. I found I missed green juice and smoothies and felt a bit bloated by all the cooked food by the end of the day. Obviously, I couldn’t have my trusty juicer and high-speed mixer with me, so I made do and things worked out okay. I was proud of myself for not veering from my detox plan.
Breakfast- Millet porridge with coconut/orange juice, just a touch, not enough to cause a sugar spike
Lunch- Salad with tomato, chopped almonds, celery, green onion, cilantro, lemon, nutritional yeast, and no-salt seasoning.
Dinner- A particular challenge, since I was out with friends, watching them eat chili with cheese sprinkled on top. I haven’t been on this long enough for that to not look enticing. Brought the wild rice soup from yesterday and some of the salad from this noon. They filled the spot, but it was still hard to watch everyone else eat what I wanted.