Yesterday was my hungriest day yet, so I am continuing to make my own modifications to the detox plan I am following.

For example, one smoothie recipe calls for beets, carrots, dates and strawberries, all sugar items.  My blood sugar would go through the roof with such a smoothie! So I opted for a green smoothie that ended up being rather thin. I knew it wouldn’t last me very long so I added some chia seeds for satiety.

Breakfast – Green smoothie: water, spinach, lemon, flaxseed, vegan protein powder, chia seed added.

Lunch – Breakfast was almost noon, so the smoothie also served as lunch

Dinner – I was looking forward to a replay of my purple and green cabbage salad from yesterday.  I also had another baked sweet potato with coconut oil and pepper.  Very filling.  Just water for the rest of the night with no hunger pangs.



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