Challenges continued: We had breakfast with old friends we hadn’t seen in years. The menu looked delicious, and I knew if I looked at it for very long I’d start getting cravings. I apologized to my friends as I hauled out my two Mason jars full of prepared smoothie and millet.
After our breakfast visit, we drove the long three-hour twenty-minute drive home without stopping for meals. My trusty jar of salad and the mashed potato-spinach concoction from the other day kept me filled up on the long ride. I deserve a pat on the back for getting through these last two days away from home sticking to my protocol.
Breakfast- Millet porridge with coconut milk and orange juice. Smoothie with protein powder, sprouted flax, and chia.
Lunch- Salad with tomato, almonds, celery, green onion, cilantro, lemon, nutritional yeast, and no-salt seasoning. Potato-cauliflower-spinach mash.
Dinner- Red and green cabbage, pumpkin seeds, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and red wine vinegar.