I miss tuna. I grew up eating tunafish (as my Mom called it) sandwiches right through my elementary and high school years. I don’t think anyone knows when the poor tuna became laden with mercury. It probably began in the seventies, and, whether we knew it or not, the bodies of tuna lovers started taking it in accordingly. I have discovered low-mercury tuna in health food stores, but, really, is any mercury okay?
So, I am experimenting with various nut patés, with mixed results. So far, my favorite is this one. It mixes walnuts with all kinds of savory flavors and satisfies my need for a riot of tastes on my tongue. Here is a great alternative to processed lunch meats and the sad, mercury-burdened tuna:
Walnut Paté
This is a modification of Stephen Arlin’s recipe found in Raw Power!
3 cups walnuts
1 small onion
1/2 cup fresh parsley
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 clove garlic
3 stalks celery
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, more if you want extra lemony zing
Soak walnuts for 30 minutes. Drain. Pulse garlic, onion, celery and parsley in food processor until finely chopped, but not over-processed. You want some texture. Add walnuts, lemon juice, sea salt, and blend until the mixture creeps up the sides of the processor and needs to be coaxed down with a spatula. Serve as a “sandwich” on romaine leaves, or as an appetizer on cucumber or zucchini rounds. Add 1/2 cup water and blend longer to make a dip.
My favorite way to use this is to spoon into romaine boats and chow down!
Looks pretty yummy!