Things are getting increasingly easier, almost routine. I’m aware that the standard school of thought is that it takes at least 21 days for a habit to become permanent. All I know is that I’m feeling stronger, and less likely to eat the naughty food, or “fall off the wagon” as many old-school alcoholics used to say. Yes, I plan to change up my food choices, which I will have to do to create the best-balanced diet, but for now, my meal selections are satisfying and keep me a mouthful away from something that will cause the cravings.
BREAKFAST: Chicken breast and garlic sauce. I’ve said it before, garlic is a superfood that keeps illness like colds at bay. No more gluten-laden cereals, even oatmeal, though there are some gluten-free kinds. But I’ve discovered even gluten-free products can cause feelings of bloat and weight gain. At least that is true for me.
Something needs to be said about my a.m. chicken frenzy the last few days. I know the very best way to eat fruit is in the morning, alone, first thing before you eat anything else. The digestive tract cannot process fruit well with other foods, and we lose some nutrients in the process. The gastric juices to digest fruit are not the same as those that process meat, grains or other foods. So if we want the greatest nutrient benefit from our foods it’s best to eat fruit alone, at least a half-hour before other foods are consumed.
LUNCH: Steamed broccoli with Fresh Mint Dressing. Remind me to post that recipe. It’s delicious!
DINNER: 3 oz. Salmon, baked with coconut oil, black and light sesame seeds, dill, and salt and pepper. Turned out well, not fishy like some salmon. I always buy sockeye salmon. At least my grocery store promises it is never farm raised and comes from the cold waters of Alaska. Also made a bok choy salad with toasted sesame seeds and slivered almonds, green onion, and a dressing of avocado oil, liquid aminos, lemon, and a touch of stevia. My whole family loves it.