Here I go again, but this time I think I know what I’ve been doing wrong. I’ve been viewing this as a diet. Diets are by definition temporary things. Given what I’ve been experienced over the holidays, I know this has to be a new eating plan for the rest of my life: no more waking up in the middle of the night feeling bloated as a Christmas goose, and unable to sleep for the fire in my belly. Oh – and snorting my way through Kleenex boxes due to allergic reactions to my food choices. I don’t know if I have what would be considered formal food allergies; this could just be my body reacting to Holiday Food Fare saying, “Hey, wake up! You’re doing it again this year! Bad choices! Knock it off!” So, with about 7 pounds added to my ballooned frame, here I go, but, this time, it’s for keeps.
It was noon before I ate, so it’s actually lunch. I couldn’t eat breakfast; too bloated from late eating and holiday fare. I hope this feeling of fullness lasts. It could come in handy. I know it will wear off, though, as my body works off the sugary, bad-fat-filled treats.
Turkey patty on mixed greens w/broccoli. Turmeric Dressing with Tahini Dressings (homemade) added.
Smoothie made of Garden of Life’s Fit meal replacement and collagen. Small amount of greens added. Thankfully not hungry.