Breakfast:  Breakfast at the hotel wasn’t stellar, with runny eggs and Italian sausage. Loose eggs, I am told, is the preferred way of preparing scrambled eggs in Europe.  Not my preferred way, I can assure you. Italian sausage, I have discovered, is not my breakfast sausage style, so I didn’t have too much trouble just having two bites and leaving the rest on my plate.

Lunch:  Skipped.  We had snacks in the car and kept rolling home. Sunflower seeds, iced coffee, a protein bar and, oops, a small bag of dill pickle potato chips.  Very small.  My stomach regretted the decision before I finished the bag.  But finish I did. What was I thinking?

Dinner:   We were so tired from being on the road most of the day we decided to have frozen meals. Thank heaven I found an Evol Bowl of chicken enchilada, which was prepared without the tortilla.  Couldn’t wait for my eating life lessons tomorrow.

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